2014年3月4日 星期二



































All our FOREIGN FRIENDS please SHARE to fight dirty russian propaganda! Send it to your local press, journalists etc. You would help to PREVENT WAR! 

We are ukrainians who are actively engaged in what's going on in Ukraine now. Now it is absolutely obvious for all ukrainians that Putin is making a dirty information campaign on national and international level, pushing disinformation all over the world!

1) Putin claims that russians are being injured in Crimean peninsula by ukrainian extremists and that is why Russia occupied Crimea with its military forces 'to defend their russian-speaking people' - this was totally denied yesterday by all legal structures, government, police, people.. Ukrainians realize Putin can make war easily (like in Georgia) so they do not react to all the provocative actions russian military troops are conducting. Till now there are zero injured russians, moreover local russian-speaking ukrainians are absolutely against Putin 'defending' them..They come to streets these days all over the country with posters "Putin! We are Russians and we don't need your defense!" https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1/1902039_838915289456466_1522653297_n.jpg

2) The whole Ukraine can not understand - how on Earth can anybody in XXI century believe in existence of country full of Nazi??? The whole Ukraine was fighting for freedom and independence, can the rest of the world understand that we just love our home country and don't want it to be treated so badly by its own president who have stolen every last piece of money from budget and now we can't even cure ukrainian children from cancer as the medical program is cancelled??
And even after we lost one hundred protesters that were killed by russian sniper (who shot activists without weapon and even policemen for statistics that they were shot by ukrainian Nazi) and all ukrainians were in deep grief for our heroes the rest of the world still have doubts that our concerns about russian intervention are groundless?

3) Russian propaganda is so strong that yesterday some cities of Eastern Ukraine were full of protesters with russian flags, they were yelling and making fights saying they want their city to be part of Russia, not part of Ukraine. Eventually there appeared to be near 2 thousand of russians that came to eastern cities by busses (with russian car numbers) that were engaged in this provocative event. So-called Ukrainian activist that put a flag of russia into governmental building appeared to be from Moscow as he was detected in social networks - https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1981763_725035750874572_892331682_n.jpg

4) The problems that Ukraine is 'experiencing' are made up by Putin as well. Crimean people are partly russian-speaking Ukrainians, partly crimean tatars, but they don't want to be part of Russia at all! Russia is staging a theatrical play to show how crimeans want to be part of Russia and telling them on russian television (all the time!) that the rest of Ukraine is full of Nazi that will come and badly treat crimeans destroying their homes and prosperity. This sounds nonsense but as crimeans are russian-speaking they watch russian television year after year and they start to believe that we are insane here in Western Ukraine and the capital.. In fact they just want to be heard, they want to be better treated by ukrainian government (as the previous government headed by Yanukovich sold all their lands to oligarchs and russians), but those are the problems that can be solved by ukrainians themselves without Russia being involved. We have many friends in Crimean peninsula, we personally spoke to them to understand their moods. They don't want this war and most of all they want Putin to let them alone as the whole country is covered in fear now..

5) There are many military troops in Crimea now. At the same time there are some illegal troops that take by storm ukrainian military structures and governmental buildings saying they are Selfdefence (meaning boys that came from EuroMaidan, from Kiev Main Square), but in fact they are armed with weapon that is not being used in Ukraine, which is used only by Russian militaries..Here is also a picture https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1/q71/s720x720/1653686_711341512243220_1802103794_n.jpg
Most probably their aim is to make chaos to show how Nazi from Western Ukraine are invading new territories and then russian militaries appear as heroes to defend their russian citizens.

6) The situation is very complicated, but there is only one clear thing - Putin is lying as the only war he knows he can win is informational war, internet is full of pre-paid bloggers, bots that comment aggressively to split ukrainian nation, the news appear every day saying that for instance ukrainian policemen and militaries sided with russian ones. People all over Ukraine share these news in social networks and panic, and in the evening we get to know this information has nothing to do with truth. All ukrainians are very stressed as too much shocking and dirty information is in circulation.. Yesterday we had a very strong informational attack containing tones of untruthful information to distract society and show how East of Ukraine wants to be with Russia, but today thousands of ukrainians came to the streets of Eastern cities to show that they want to be part of Ukraine and that they are against war and 'defense'.

7) The language question is also not so critical in Ukraine as it is showed in Russian press. To show that we don't care which language to speak several days ago Lviv (which is the center of ukrainian identity) announced they would speak russian language only for a day to show East that they love and appreciate each other even though they speak different languages. The same was done in Donetsk (which consists mostly of russian-speaking people, who decided to speak ukrainian for a day as well). Also russian-speaking people and russians that live in Ukraine go out these days to let the world know that they have never been treated badly in Ukraine because of the language they speak as ukrainians are peaceful and tolerant by nature. This way they also show they don't need Russia to defend them as they are not in danger in any way.

Thank you all who support Ukraine these days, we hope the situation gets better soon and Putin goes back to Russia together with his army and never comes back here again. We will get back to all art stuff as soon as we all are safe. Hope for your understanding)

